10 Personality Types Most Likely to Get Hired
Personality Types to Hire
It takes all types — personality types, that is — to run a successful small business. Having the right mix of people is especially important in a small business, where people often must interact more closely than they might in a larger organization.”There is really nowhere to hide in a small business,” said Gaby Cora, a leadership consultant and author of ExecutiveHealth.com’s “Leading Under Pressure: Strategies to Avoid Burnout, Increase Energy, and Improve Your Well-Being” (Career Press, 2010). “It is especially important for small business owners to pay attention to finding the right match for the particular job and the culture of your organization.”When hiring for an existing position, she said to take a close look at the personality traits of the people who have succeeded in the role, she said.No matter what the business or the job, there are some personality types that every organization needs. BusinessNewsDaily gathered some input from recruiters, consultants and psychologists on the personality traits to consider when hiring.
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