Monthly Archive: March 2013


Procrastination – Just a Bad Habit?

Anyone interested in getting better results, becoming more productive and ultimately more successful should probably take an honest look at the problem of procrastination.  Most people think procrastination is just an issue that involves...


How To Overcome Obstacles in Life.

Whether we like it or not, adversity is part of life. Overcoming adversity is one of the biggest hurdles we face. As Havelock Ellis wrote, “Pain and death are part of life. To reject...


Social Media and Customer Service

The social help desk may turn out to be a game-changer in the ongoing relationship between businesses and their customers. As customers increasingly turn to social media sites for customer service, the social help...


Create Big Buzz For Your Business

Creating buzz for your business is not hard. It takes a bit of creativity, willingness to fail and look stupid, and some strategic planning. You can’t control whether or not people talk about your...


How to get a good job in a bad economy?

Image by   Job hunting is tough right now, but absolutely not impossible. The key to finding and keeping work in tough times is the same as in good times: action. The more...

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