20 Simple Ways to Love Yourself Better


Love yourself more,” we’re told. But what does that mean? What, exactly, does that look like? Does it mean spending the day in bed, or going out & getting some exercise? Does it mean eating a bowl of chocolate ice-cream, or eating a salad instead?

Well, it can be all of these things. The root of radical self love is in listening to your intuition, & learning to hear what your body is telling you it needs, but more importantly respecting it.

So I’ve picked 20 easy things that you can do to enhance self appreciation!

Pick a couple of them to do today, & do another two or three over the coming week.

  1. Examine the feeling of not being good enough and the reasons you struggle to love yourself and replace them with a sense of wonder and ease.
  2. Create a long list of all the things you do well and read it to yourself often.
  3. Say only nice things about your body and the amazing things it enables you to experience in your life.
  4. Lift your head up as you walk – and SMILE as you go!
  5. Listen to music with a positive message of life and love.
  6. Hire a photographer to take amazing photos of yourself to see your beauty as others see it.
  7. Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for about Who You Are.
  8. Every night before bed tell yourself and your body how much you appreciate it.
  9. Stand naked in front of the mirror and make peace with the physical body that houses Who You Really Are.
  10. List 7 reasons why your hardest challenges or worst mistakes or most unloved qualities have been a beautiful thing for you.
  11. Then ask yourself for forgiveness for not seeing it all earlier.
  12. Tell others what you love about you.
  13. STOP doing exercise that doesn’t make you smile or laugh! Go roller skating or dancing or trampolining instead!
  14. Chew your food slowly, savor each flavor and focus on the nourishment you’re offering yourself.
  15. Take everything out of your closet and only put back in the things that make you FEEL amazing when you wear them!
  16. Allow yourself time to “do nothing”.
  17. Give yourself time to understand that all these ways to love yourself need to be done with passion and authentic intention, and not just something you tick off a list.
  18. Stop making excuses for what you love and just LOVE IT OUT LOUD dammit!
  19. If you’re not feeling “good” when someone asks how you are, give yourself permission to be authentic and tell the truth (and maybe ask for some support).
  20. Spend lots of time in meditation or prayer or stillness.

It’s as simple as knowing one thing that looks so cool but you’ve been rattling off excuses why you can’t try it, and go do it.

Photo credit: google images/femmeandfortune.com

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