4 Myths about Doing What You Love for Work
“Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.” -Buddha If you clicked on this article, you probably don’t like your job, and you probably have...
“Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.” -Buddha If you clicked on this article, you probably don’t like your job, and you probably have...
A trusted organization system that you actually use regularly can turn your day from one of chaos to one of focus, effectiveness and calm. This is something I’ve learned through repeated failures, actually: when...
Changing habits, at its core, is simply a process of changing what’s normal for you. However, for most people, changing is tough because there’s some pain in changing. When you have a problem, there...
What do you think is the number one regret of the dying? That they didn’t work harder? Fulfill somebody else’s expectations? Or that they made more money? Of course that’s not what they regret....
Successful people do what unsuccessful people do not. – Anonymous Waking early is one of my favorite things in the world. The morning is quiet as the world hasn’t begun stirring, the perfect time...
Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.”-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Does this sound familiar? You are sitting on the bus or you are...
Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.”- Spanish Proverb Not all tasks of the day are inspiring, fun or exciting. Some just feel dull or boring. But you still have to wash...
Focus and productivity go hand in hand. Like peas and carrots, or peanut butter and jelly. They’re almost synonymous. Yet, focus is the often overlooked, redheaded step-child of productivity. And you can be darned...
Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called ‘Ego’.- Friedrich Nietzsche Is team building an art or a science? When it comes to assembling, motivating and keeping a great team happy so...
What generally happens when an ordinary employee climbs the work ladder and becomes the newest manager? Well, in an ideal world, he or she would maintain coworker friendships, still come in and leave at...