Category: Inspiration


20 Reasons You Are Better than You Think

What Happens When You Stop the Self-sabotage? I will allow life’s changes to make me better, not bitter. -Unknown Where do we pick up this cycle of constantly beating ourselves up? You have to...


10 of the World’s Most Powerful Beliefs

Consciously adopting your beliefs can make your life amazing. Randomly or unconsciously collecting beliefs can make your life hell. When you actively seek out powerful beliefs, you can design a life that other people...


Exercises to Spark Your Creativity

Sometimes creativity exercises are a bit boring – what’s that tiresome exercise with the candle, the cup, the matches? – but these exercises by writer Blake Snyder, meant to jump-start ideas for movies, are...


15 Ways People Get Ahead In Life

1. They know where they’d like to go, even if they’re not quite there yet. You need some vision and it needs to be something you believe in. 2. They make connections because it’s all...

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