Monthly Archive: September 2013


How Can Reading Improve Your Life Style

Everyone knows reading is important, but have you ever asked yourself why is it so important? Here is a  list of 8 reasons why reading is important. Hope you can really find out the...


Why You’re So Tired on Mondays

Love sleeping in on the weekends? It could be effing with your mood during the work week. According to a new study from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, sleeping in on the...



It’s all too easy to spend much of our time keeping track of what other people are up to, seeing their (apparent) happy and productive lives, measuring against our own, and finding ourselves wanting....


Happiness At Work: Seriously?

Happy, engaged workers boost company productivity. This Socialcast infographic indicates that the links between happiness and work productivity are much closer than you might think. Highly engaged employees can improve performance by 20 percent...


Getting Stuff Done Like A Pro

The truth is, humans really can’t multitask, unless one task is automatic like walking and eating, and/or if the tasks use different parts of the brain. Checking email and writing posts actually requires the...


Ensure Success: Set Realistic Goals

When affecting change in our lives we are often stymied by our own human nature to get things done and get them done now.  I want those ten pounds gone tomorrow!  Patience and our...

Bruce Lee Ab Challenge: Brown Belt Abs in 6 Weeks 0

Bruce Lee Ab Challenge: Brown Belt Abs in 6 Weeks

Enter the Abs  July 20th, 2013  September 3rd, 2013   Six Week Bruce Lee Ab Challenge…comes to a close! So about six weeks ago my buddies and I made “The Bet,” in all places...


10 Ways to Practice Happiness

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” -Dalai Lama When it comes to the quest for greater happiness, waiting and hoping are out. Learning and practicing are in.  Here’s how to create...


Make It Happen!

After a nice, long, relaxing weekend, away from the hectic nature of work, school and life, waking up on Monday morning can be extremely difficult. To make your Mondays easier here’s one approach to...

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