Category: Leadership


How to Stay On Track for Your Goals

What big goals do you have at the moment? Perhaps you’re trying to lose weight, get fit, write a book, redecorate the house, or start your own business. Maybe you’re tackling several different goals...


21 Inspiring Famous Career Quotes for Success

Career Quotes for Success to Kick Start your Week Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations. – Steve Jobs Statistics...


Video: Denzel Washington’s Advice For Extreme Success

Greatly admired and Internationally renowned actor and director Denzel Washington, delivered the address at the University of Pennsylvania’s 255th Commencement on Monday, May 16. Washington has received the most distinguished accolades of his art, including...


10 Friggin Inspiring Ways to Get Ahead in Life

  In this very competitive marketplace, everyone is looking to get ahead. I am talking about using the untapped resources and opportunities within and around you, and propelling yourself to where you WANT to...


12 Habits All Successful People Follow

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. – Booker T. Washington Whether in business or life, we...

Stanford Professor Has The Best Reaction After Learning His 30 Year Old Theory Is Proven Correct 0

Stanford Professor Has The Best Reaction After Learning His 30 Year Old Theory Is Proven Correct

Stanford University physics professor Andrei Linde theorized the cosmic inflation theory 30 years ago that explains the first moments of the Big Bang. Professor Chao-Lin Kuo and his colleagues have just recently proven, with 99.99% certainty, that the...


Make the Impossible Your New Possible

Sometimes you get stuck. To get started again, you don’t have to slay a dragon. You just have to reset the default. If you find yourself stuck, stop thinking you need to do everything. You...

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