Category: Entrepreneurship


The Business Handshake.

A handshake is more than just a greeting. It is also a message about your personality and confidence level. In business, a handshake is an important tool in making the right first impression. This...


Powerful Advertising.

While television maintains its pole position as the dominant power in advertising influence, it’s still fascinating to see not only the multi-platform activities of consumers, but also how interactive those channels are when coupled...


The Pending Surge In Location Marketing

While privacy concerns persist, adding a location component to a campaign gives mobile marketers the opportunity to increase the relevancy of their messages and make them immediately actionable. Following the Mobile Marketing Association’s best-practice...


How to Build Powerfully Successful Work Teams.

How to create effective teams, teamwork, and team building is a challenge in every organization. Work environments tend to foster rugged individuals working on personal goals for personal gain. Typically, reward, recognition, and pay...


Empowering Employees.

Are your employees confident in their ability to do their jobs? Do they have the resources they need to do their work well? Or are they afraid of making mistakes and constantly trying to...

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