Change Your Attitude This 2015


A new year: how thrilling it can be! Even though we simply turn the calendar sheet from one day and month to the next, there are incredible opportunities to embrace during this momentous time. A new year can be a turning point, the motivating factor for personal transformation, or it can be “just another day.” You get to exercise your free will and determine what January 1st is going to mean to you. 

A prescription for a shining and outrageously happy new year is really simple, and it’s all up to you. Below are ten tips for thriving in 2015:

  1. Examine your belief system. Keep what works and toss what doesn’t.
  2. Create an attitude of gratitude. Establish a gratitude journal and make daily entries.
  3. Are you holding onto regret and remorse from your past? If so, why?
  4. Does the future activate fear and worry? If so, why?
  5. Be relentlessly honest in your communications.
  6. Free yourself from the desire to judge.
  7. Be aware of the power of your thoughts and your ability to choose the positive over the negative.
  8. Trust the process.
  9. Surround yourself with fun, upbeat, genuine and loving friends.
  10. Be willing to be open up and learn something new every day.

Remember that change starts with your willingness to improve and enhance your lifestyle. If your life is terrific and satisfying, that’s great. You can choose to expand by removing any lingering limitations and have it be greater still. If your days are not so rosy and cheerful, that’s great too. Remember it’s all neutral and it’s all about attitude. Acknowledging that you are not as happy as you want to be is a first step towards change. Undaunted determination will be the catalyst for joy-filled moments and meaningful relationships. Turn the searchlight inward and allow the beacon to guide your way as you embrace the new year, one step at a time.

Happy new and successful year!

Photo via Team Team

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