Tagged: Life


Start Small and Celebrate the Progress

“Instead of trying to accomplish it all — and all at once — and flaring out, the Essentialist starts small and celebrates progress. Instead of going for the big, flashy wins that don’t really matter, the...


Become More of Who You Already Are

Purpose is a powerful thing. It gets you up in the morning and keeps you awake at night. Anyone who accomplished anything great was driven by a strong, deeply-held belief of what is wrong...


Experience Joy Throughout the Journey

Enjoying the journey leading to the goal is as important as achieving the goal. Allowing the journey to divinely unfold is the secret to balance and success. In between each of these goals or...


Learn to Invest Your Time Wisely

“If only I had more time!” How often have you said that? In a sense, time is a universal leveler, because the powerful and rich have no more of it than do the lowly...


9 Rules for a Simpler Day

Our days fill up so fast, and are so rushed and filled with distractions, that they seem to be bursting. It’s a huge source of stress for most people, and stress is perhaps the...


5 Phrases Grateful People Never Forget

  I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” G.K. Chesterton Ever wonder why other people seem happier than you? You take a...


Destiny – Motivational Video

  What is my life destiny is a question asked by many people as they ponder the reasons for their existence. Life is the expression of the Reason for being. The Reason represents the...

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