Tagged: Marketing


How The Best Salespeople Make The Sale

If you ask an extremely successful salesperson, “What makes you different from the average sales rep?” you will most likely get a less-than-accurate answer, if any answer at all. Frankly, the person may not...


How Small Businesses Can Win the Web.

Between their Black Friday Best Buy expeditions and Cyber Monday mania on Amazon, many holiday shoppers plan to celebrate Small Business Saturday this weekend. Conceived in 2010, the “holiday” puts the spotlight on local...


The Rise Of Visual Social Media

Blog posts became Facebook updates and Tumblr posts, which shrunk to Tweets and finally to Instagram or Pinterest. Here’s how smart brands are navigating the new visual social-media era. Social media sites like Facebook,...


Achieving Effective Social Media Marketing

Social media comes with a pretty steep learning curve, which places an enormous amount of value in tried-and-tested guidelines, which can only come from persistence and experience. Like many of the good things in...

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