20 Reasons You Are Better than You Think

What Happens When You Stop the Self-sabotage?


Image credit: Flickr

I will allow life’s changes to make me better, not bitter. -Unknown

Where do we pick up this cycle of constantly beating ourselves up?

You have to stop sabotaging your own progress with the negative thoughts that make you wish for another story. You are exactly where you belong at this moment and you have to open your eyes and see it for what it is.

There is always room to grow, to get better, to raise the bar, to accomplish more, but only if you have made the time to realize you are better than you think and you are doing better than you give yourself credit.

I wrote these out in the form of affirmations so you can say them, memorize them and believe them.

1. You are smart, resourceful and brilliant.

2. You help anyone that needs you without a second thought.

3. You care about being a good person and living an honest life.

4. You are a kind, compassionate and grateful person.

5. You honor your core values and what’s important to you.

6. You invest in yourself and your own growth and development.

7. You have great hopes for your own future.

8. You are a responsible stand-up citizen of this world and of your country.

9. You are setting a great example for others in everything you do.

10. You believe in the goodness of humanity and have a pure heart.

11. You believe in the beauty of your dreams and plan to pursue them.

12. You have already taken the first step to pursue your dreams.

13. You bring useful and important ideas to life.

14. You put your knowledge and information to good use every day.

15. You affect the lives of those around you even if it seems like in small ways to you.

16. You don’t give up even if things go wrong and life beats you down.

17. You have a creative genius and you let yourself tap into it.

18. You take steps every day towards creating the life of your dreams.

19. You correct your mistakes without shame.

20. You look your fear in the face and don’t let it stop you.

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