How to get a good job in a bad economy?

While no magic trick will get you the job of your dreams, you can improve your chances if you take the right action.

While no magic trick will get you the job of your dreams, you can improve your chances if you take the right action.

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Job hunting is tough right now, but absolutely not impossible. The key to finding and keeping work in tough times is the same as in good times: action. The more positive action you take, the better your chances of landing a great gig. Some tips we advise you to take are updating your resume to include examples of how you thrive in challenging times, how you excel at stretching a budget, how you can bring in new clients and new revenue right away. Making 5 calls a day to networking contacts, rather than making 5 a week. Attending one networking event a week, rather than one a month. Following up immediately after you meet someone or learn of an opportunity. Return calls right away, send a thank you email the same day you have an interview, send in a resume as soon as you learn of an opportunity.

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