The Rise Of Visual Social Media

Image credit : Twitter user @SociallySorted
Blog posts became Facebook updates and Tumblr posts, which shrunk to Tweets and finally to Instagram or Pinterest. Here’s how smart brands are navigating the new visual social-media era. Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest have ushered in visual marketing as the breakout trend for 2013. When it comes to their products, businesses are learning to show, not tell, and visual content sites are fueling our desire for beautiful photography and sensational design. “Blogs were one of the earliest forms of social networking where people were writing 1,000 words,” says Dr. William J. Ward. This trend toward the visual is also influenced by the shifting habits of technology users. As more people engage with social media via smart phones, they’re discovering that taking a picture “on the go” using a high-resolution phone is much less tedious than typing out a status update on a two-inch keyboard.
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