Monthly Archive: July 2013


Talk About Genius! Meet Vegetable Art

Using vegetables of all shapes and sizes, Chinese artist, Ju Duoqi, recreates famous masterpieces, like The Last Supper, or Mona Lisa. Graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and working as a website and computer...


Are you Happy? … Honestly

You may think it’s impossible to be happy being yourself. Every day, it’s easy to wish you looked like or acted like someone else, or had the cushy job or great boyfriend/girlfriend that someone...


Will Eat Good Food For Work

Work. It’s where most of us spend the majority of our weeks. While that realization can be somewhat depressing, it also shows how your habits at work have a huge effect on your weight-loss...


14-Year-Old Prodigy Programmer Dreams In Code

Thnkrtv showcased fourteen-year-old programmer and software developer Santiago Gonzalez might just be the next Steve Jobs. Fluent in 12 (and counting) computer languages, public schools did not meet his needs. After 6th grade, he...


The Ultimate Summer Slim

Summer is here, so what better time to name the sunniest summer slim facts known to women … or men? Here, then, are 6 essential summer tips to shamelessly expose skin this 2013. Brought...

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