10 Quick Ways to Calm the Heck Down!
When life pushes you over the edge, here’s how to instantly dial down heart-hurting stress. Do you have a great way to calm down when someone has pushed your buttons? What is your tolerance level? How...
When life pushes you over the edge, here’s how to instantly dial down heart-hurting stress. Do you have a great way to calm down when someone has pushed your buttons? What is your tolerance level? How...
One of the most amazing faculties we have is our power of choice. As soon as we decide that we are going to be happy no matter what, the Universe moves in miraculous ways...
If you’re in desperate need of some motivation, we’re going to fix that problem, right here, right now. Prepare yourself. Desperate times call for desperate measures. You said you needed motivation. I’m going to...
Today’s life has become so busy that we even do not have time for ourselves. As soon as the day starts, we are lost in a series of activities that seldom feel ending at...
It’s possible.” Those two small words, liberally applied, could change your life. When you come from a perspective of possibility, you see options and you see potential. Obstacles exist, but like whitewater rushing over...
1. Assume that you are loved. 2. Assume that those who love you find some kind of value in you and the things you do. 3. Assume, however, that you don’t need to be...
Here’s a seven-word sentence that encompasses everything you must do to really, truly live your dream: Move your dream from someday to now. It’s fun to dream, to think about what you would like...
Over the years I have worked so hard on being self-disciplined. It surely did not come easy! But I was determined to succeed at work and so I finally understood that it would take...
A lot of people are finding out that following their passion is fraught with difficulty, pain and suffering, and sometimes it’s unbearable. But what if they’re mistaken and it’s not their passion that they are following? Whatever your dream...
Simon Sinek explores how leaders can inspire cooperation, trust and change. He’s the author of the classic “Start With Why,” and his new book is “Leaders Eat Last. Sinek has a simple but powerful model...