Taming Your Weight Loss Spirit

Now a days its only normal for people to stress out over their weight. But, hold on, is it all about weight loss or is it also about acquiring new healthy habits to stay fit?

You know, you cant really have it all at once. There is a charm to the “weight loss spirit”, nevertheless, let’s be realistic and enjoy every second of the journey because that’s exactly what will make the difference.

We tend to worry so much about the results and start looking for quick and almost self damaging ways to reach our goal faster. And this is exactly why things unravel. We need to accept that everything takes time and by pacing yourself out, being determined and steady, that picture perfect will no longer be in your head but on your body.

Here’s a great excerpt of a great article called Dedicated but Balanced by Zenhabits.

We’ve become obsessed with obsessing about health and fitness. We argue, debate, nitpick, research, tweet, blog, think, try and then give up on countless health fitness theories on a daily basis, all in the name of chasing the promise of ‘health’.

This is something I have grown tired of – especially the endless promotion of obsession as health, exhaustion as virtue and suffering as dedication.

In my eyes the very act of trying to achieve a healthy body is becoming extremely unhealthy, almost a form of self-mortification where people use the gym and the avoidance of their favorite foods as a way to ‘punish’ themselves for their past ‘unhealthy’ indiscretions.

Maybe we can blame the unrealistic goals people have of attaining 0% body fat and giant incredible-hulk style muscles, and the thought that our failure to achieve these goals must be a testament to our poor dedication and work ethic. Or it could be the wrong diet, or wrong workout, or wrong grip when performing curls … who knows?

Whatever the cause, the fact is that health and nutrition is sick.

Read the original content by Leo Babauta on Zenhabits

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