Here’s How I Make Everyday Count


Do you feel happy in your life and career? Do you even stop to occasionally ask yourself what happiness would really look like or mean to you?  Happiness need not be an ever-shifting end goal, the light at the end of an endless tunnel; it can be a goal you set to achieve every single day. 

Below are some tips we hope you follow to make of your everyday life worthwhile.

Personal connections are key to people at the end of their lives – and throughout life. The happiest patients and other individuals I know are surrounded by people they love – family, friends, even colleagues. They know how to form a bond to last a lifetime. They made these connections throughout their lives and kept in touch, reaching out, listening with empathy and love, celebrating each other’s successes. Nurture personal and professional relationships with unwavering dedication to love and kindness and they will reap their own rewards.

Your outlook should be positive and exciting if you want to live a life buoyed by happiness. Think about what can be done instead of dwelling on the “what ifs.” A positive outlook truly can determine life or death, success or failure, happiness or despair.

Purpose is what keeps us moving forward in life – engaging our very souls with passion. Passion is so important to living a fulfilling life. Feeling an inner-bone passion for that which you are spending energy on makes that energy well spent. Make your purpose one that forever changes the lives around you — making the world a better place.

The most accomplished people I have known have had a vision for their lives. Not just what they want to do for work, but how they want to live outside of their careers. Your life plan should include an executive summary that says who you are, what you can do, what you want to do and why. Having this vision for your life will help you do the things that make you feel the most fulfilled.

Don’t let fear limit what you have to offer the world. It’s important to acknowledge fear when it is present, feel it and discover where it comes from, and then move on. Don’t let it immobilize your dreams and stand in your way.

Come to center everyday by engaging in healthy routines that reinvigorate you. A fun, balanced and purpose-driven life will make you feel deeply satisfied. Recurring healthy routines provide consistency and security, but flexibility keeps life interesting and welcomes new opportunities.

Being able to live in the moment has been an imperative trait in the most peaceful patients I have known. The ability to feel the present moment, savor each minute of each day…not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Soul-to-soul listening also grounds you in the present; you must be fully here and now to give someone your undivided attention. This also helps with making those imperative personal connections.

Touch can break through barriers and has proven benefits for the mind, body and spirit. The power of touch engages us with those around us, connects us to the world.

This reflective exercise is quickly becoming a regular part of routine medical treatment. The ability to relax the body, focus on simple things like breathing and picture your recovery is vital to success. A few minutes, or a few hours, of meditation every day will help you defuse your stress and sets a tranquil tone for a happier, more peace-filled life.

Think creatively, act decisively and collaborate intently to nurture that which you are passionate about. Creativity does not have to be limited to those with artistic talent. Think outside the box, add an extra ingredient to spice up your traditional dish, dance by yourself…adding just bits of creativity here and there nourishes the soul.

(Photo credit: Shineswithoutend – on Flickr) Team Team

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1 Response

  1. Harold says:

    Otras puƄlicaciones me interesaron algo mas todo hay que decirlo Animo!

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